Shiloh’s Fall Photoshoot

I love everything about this little girl! I love playing with her and I really love photographing her. She has beautiful skin and hair, she has the greatest smile, and now that she’s chit-chatting away, I find her endlessly entertaining. Michelle and Shiloh came over Sunday morning before church and it was pouring! (So much for taking any pictures outside.) Instead we spread out leaves and a scarecrow on the back porch and as soon as I opened a box of mini pumpkins and pine cones, Shiloh sat right down to play with them. It actually took a good five minutes before she tried to eat one of the pine cones. I was impressed! I thought they would go straight to the mouth when she got her hands on them.

Fall Portraits, Child Photography

Fall Photos, Child Photography

Fall Photos, Child Portraits, Mindy Morris Photography

Child Photography, Fall Photos

Fall Photos, Child Portraits, Mindy Morris Photography

Shiloh makes amazing eye contact with the camera, and I would have happily snapped pictures all day. I’m already looking forward to getting a few more “fall” pictures of her as a peacock for Halloween!

Leaves, Moccasins

Sweet little moccasin-ed feet!

Fall Photos, Child Portraits, Mindy Morris Photography

Fall Photos, Child Portraits, Mindy Morris Photography

Fall Photos, Child Portraits, Mindy Morris Photography

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